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June is Buddhist Action Month!

This year’s theme: Kindness, generosity and clarity in a changing world

Posted: 2 May 2017

ITBCI students

Successful fundraiser for the Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Institute

A weekend retreat was held in February at Sudarshanaloka for the ITBCI

Posted: 20 April 2017

Song writing

Song writing, music and meditation retreat

Led by The Lotus Realm team at Sudarshanaloka over Easter

Posted: 5 April 2017

FWBO day stupa

50th Anniversary Celebration

This Friday evening 7 April at 7pm we will be celebrating the founding of the FWBO with a Puja at the ABC

Posted: 5 April 2017

Tim Volunteer of the Year

Technology Volunteer of the Year

New Zealand Charities Technology Awards 2017

Posted: 27 March 2017