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Dana, or generosity, is an important practice for Buddhists, and our centre relies on the financial generosity of people like yourself to keep going.
In a typical year, 50% of our income comes from regular donations of between $40 and $150 a month, 10% from modest bequests or larger donations and the remaining amount from running introductory courses, weekend urban retreats and residential retreats (which we make only a small margin on).
Our annual income (before expenses) is typically under $200,000.
We support a team of three people very modestly to keep the centre running smoothly. We have a building to maintain, all the usual utility bills, class supplies, tea and biscuits for classes and a small library. Our core purpose is to help people access the Dharma, so we also offer bursaries and support to those with low incomes who need help to get on retreats and events. Our annual expenditure is typically about the same or slightly less than our annual income.
With the rising cost of living, it's become more challenging for the centre to cover its expenses too.
Regular standing donations help us better budget and plan. Details for setting up a regular donation via direct credit into our account are below:
Account name: Auckland Buddhist Centre
Account number: 38-9017-0587187-01
Reference: MSD
If you want to make a one-off donation and prefer internet banking, our details are:
Account name: Auckland Buddhist Centre
Account number: 38-9017-0587187-01
Reference: Koha
All donations to the centre are tax deductable. Our Charities Commission registration number is CC20695. Email us if you'd like a tax receipt (available for donations of over $5).