The renovations to our new building will cost a total of $1.1 million. We have a lot of that already, but need $250,000 to bring the project to fruition. Read about our building plans over on our project page.
Our progress to date:
Donate online via credit card Our Givealittle page Other ways to donate
A big thank you to the participants and sponsors of the volcano walk. It raised $3,785 towards the renovation project. Sadhu!
Start your training now and get your friends and whanau to join in or sponsor you to summit three of Auckland’s volcanic cones. This epic walk is around 16km and should take about five hours. The good news is you can walk as little distance or as far as you like. Find out more, including how to register, here.
Vidyamala and Sona, visiting from the UK, co-led an urban retreat raising $3,440 towards the renovations. The week-long retreat included some in-person time at the beautiful Blockhouse Bay Boat Club, as well as online elements.
Work is underway on site now. We've a bit of demolition to do before starting the construction phase. Classes are now being held at advertised alternative locations.
Our building consent has come through from the city council. With demolition work nearly finished, we can now get going on the build phase! Very exciting. And thanks in particular to James Hay from Stevens Lawson who put a lot of work and made many follow-up calls to get us to this important milestone.
Our movie night fundraiser at The Bridgeway raised $1,124. We watched The Monk and the Gun. Kudos to the North Shore women's sangha, who organised this event.
See archived event here.
Pulasthi hosted a hip-hop burlesque dance class at a studio for his friends, raising $350 towards the renovations, which is very cool! No-one dislocated anything in the process - cool. We're told fun was well and truly had by all - also very cool.
The ABC Council has agreed to sign Crate Innovations Ltd to undertake the building work. They've work alongside our architect before and come highly recommended. We appreciate all the work they've already put in to get the project to a manageable budget for us. Welcome on board, guys!
Beck hosted a dancing in the dark event at the centre on Saturday 9 November at 7pm, raising $220 and providing a space for some energetic fun together!
Archived event here.
The Buddhist Association of NZ hosted an auction of Chinese art on Saturday 9 November, with $2,224 donated towards our centre renovations. A big thank you to all those who provided art, organised the day and came along!
Archived event here.
Danica of Soma Circle led a second sound immersion experience at the Auckland Buddhist Centre, raising $910 this time - awesome!
Archived event here.
Our Mahakala art exhibition raised $10,550. A massive thank you to all those who donated art, purchased art, manned the front desk, and to Sue and Sally for curating it so beautifully.
Archived event here.
Suvarnadhi completed 24 hours of devotional ritual. A big thank you to all those who joined in for parts of the 24 hours, led pujas, and to all those who sponsored Suvarnadhi. It was a wonderful result for the centre!
Archived event here.
Toni Chase, Auckland mitra and creative designer, provided space and materials at the centre for budding artists wishing to develop techniques, incorporate new ideas, or just enjoy the creative process in a supportive environment. We had a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon together, met some new friends and raised $540.
Archived event here.
We've got all our detailed plans and certifications together and lodged an application for building consent with Auckland Council today!
We are very grateful to Danica of Soma Circle who donated a sound immersion experience at the Auckland Buddhist Centre, raising $665.
Archived event here.
We raised $3,371 through our online auction of Buddhist devotional and ritual items. Thank you to all those who bid on auction items. We plan another auction in 2025.
We completed the architectural plans, with just a few design certifications needed before we file for building consent with the city council. At a push, we'll be able to start construction in November, with about a six month build time.
Our architect (is a friend of a friend): Stevens Lawson Architects