We have been experimenting with these weekend formats for a few years now. And, after the success of our last event, we think we might have found something which people enjoy and also contributes to the Sudarshanaloka project. One aim is to engage with the maintenance of the land at Sudarshanaloka in a playful, meaningful, and effective way. Another aim of the weekend is to spend time with other like-minded people who enjoy contributing back to the land.
The weekend will be led by Erica, Ratnavyuha and Akasamati. This time we will dedicate our Working in Nature efforts to helping prepare the Sudarshanaloka environs in readiness for the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Stupa in February next year. As well as clearing a few tracks that need work, there are opportunities to work as a team in the area of the Stupa (washing, weeding, pruning and mowing), or building a new campsite, or being part of a road gang (with scrubber and shovels). It would be lovely to have you join us, and you can choose something to suit your skills, fitness and inclination. All efforts welcomed.
Some people, led by Akasamati, will be staying on for the week til Saturday 26th, carrying on these activities, and she would very much welcome anyone who wishes to stay on. Just put it in the notes when you register for the weekend how many extra nights you wish to stay. Otherwise the Working in Nature weekend will finish straight after lunch cleanup, at 2pm Sunday.
Food will be provided at a cost of $30 for the weekend, and $15 for each extra night. Accommodation is free though a donation to help with keeping the retreat centre running would be much appreciated.
Extra opportunities will include a 7am meditation sit each morning and a movie on Saturday night.
If you have loppers, hedge clippers, shovels, gardening implements or any tools you think could be useful, please bring them along. Come and spend the weekend in nature working with like-minded people.
$30 for food and $15 for each extra night. Accommodation is free in return for your work contribution although a donation to help with keeping the retreat centre running would be very much appreciated.
Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.
For much of her life the outdoors and living with nature, especially New Zealand’s beautiful mountains, forests, rivers and coasts, has been where…