Working in Nature at Sudarshanaloka

Giving back to the land

Tree fern

These weekends are an opportunity for Sangha to come together to help maintain Sudarshanaloka so that we can all keep enjoying the beautiful natural environment there.

This weekend will be led by Ratnavyuha and Erica. We will work together in small groups, mainly clearing overgrowth (loppers or slashers or secateurs) on some of the walking tracks up in the vicinity of the stupa, and marking some tracks more clearly.
As well, we will have meditation sessions in the shrine room.


Start: 01 May 2015 at 7:00pm
Finish: 03 May 2015 at 2:00pm


Food ($30) plus dana

Caring for each other's health

Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.


Image of Sudarshanaloka

Tararu Valley, Thames

Led by

Portrait of Akasasri

For much of her life the outdoors and living with nature, especially New Zealand’s beautiful mountains, forests, rivers and coasts, has been where…

Bookings for this event are now closed