Under 35s night

Wednesday nights for under 35s at the ABC


Tonight is Olivia and Suvarnadhi's last evening leading the under 35s, which they've done for exactly four and half years. They're handing over to Pulasthi, Laszlo and Toni, although one of them will still be sitting in to offer a bit of moral support for a while. There won't be any great fanfare just yet - perhaps a ceremonial handover of tips for buying really good chocolate locally for the class??! We've always flown by the seat of our pants on these nights, so we'll see!

Under 35s nights are an opportunity for young people to meet and explore Buddhism together in a lively and interactive way. We'll focus on applying the Buddha's teachings to everyday life.

Open to anyone under 35 with an interest in Buddhism.

We'll also meditate together - no experience required.


30 June 2021  7:00pm-9:15pm


Caring for each other's health

Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.


Image of The Auckland Buddhist Centre
The Auckland Buddhist Centre

45b Normanby Rd, Mt Eden

Led by

Portrait of Vimoksajyoti

Vimoksajyoti first came to the Auckland Buddhist Centre in 2009, when she moved over to Auckland from the UK. In addition to raising her own…

Portrait of Suvarnadhi

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