There will be a family friendly sangha event at the ABC on Sunday the 26th June from 10 am to 1pm. This will follow on from the month's theme of BAM! (Buddhist Action Month) with opportunities to share your stories of pledges and support our younger sangha members to be budding Bodhisattvas.
Please ask kids to bring something they no longer need which can be given to children with very little. Toys, books, winter clothes all appreciated. These will be offered in the context of a 3 fold puja.
Kids can dress up as superheroes or bodhisattvas!
All welcome so please bring a vegetarian lunch to share and come along and have some fun.
By Koha/dana
Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.
Triratna Order Members are members of our spiritual community who have made a commitment, known traditionally as Going for Refuge, to keeping the…