Parinirvana Day

Impermanence and beginning to let go of our current centre

Caterpillars cocoons and a butterfly

Everything changes. - Suzuki Roshi (when asked to sum up Buddhism)

Parinirvana Day marks the final passing of the Buddha, and traditionally is a time to celebrate his life and reflect on impermanence. The physical death of the Buddha wasn't the end of Buddhism, and in the same way the ending of the centre at a specific place is not the end of the Auckland Buddhist Centre and our community.

So at this year's Parinirvana celebrations, we'll be beginning to ritually let go of our current home at 381 Richmond Road. With that in mind, we invite you to reflect on times you've spent at the ABC and the different spaces here - the reception room (lounge), shrine room, foyer and outdoors area, and think of one pithy (short-ish) anecdote you might like to share with us all. The first time you heard an important teaching? A funny or moving conversation in the foyer? These are examples.

To bring on the day
  • a picture of a memory you associate with the centre, if you have one (eg. a photo of friends you met here, a special occasion). We'll be putting the pictures on the wall and leaving them behind when we move, so if it's precious, make sure you bring a copy to stick on the wall!
  • a flower to offer to the shrine
  • a plate of finger food to share, if you can
  • a memory to share if you'd like to
Programme for the afternoon

2pm - Welcome and a talk by Cittamuni, who has been coming to the ABC for exactly the same amount of time it's been here in Grey Lynn! Followed by a rich sharing of stories.
3.30pm - (approx) Shared afternoon tea
4pm - led reflection by Ratnavyuha followed by a puja led by Dharmanandi


18 February 2023  2:00pm-5:00pm


By koha

Caring for each other's health

Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.


Image of The Auckland Buddhist Centre
The Auckland Buddhist Centre

45b Normanby Rd, Mt Eden

Led by

Portrait of Cittamuni

Cittamuni first contacted the Auckland Buddhist Centre in 1991. The centre moved into his neighbourhood and he decided to investigate what was behind…

Portrait of Ratnavyuha

I've been actively involved with the Triratna Buddhist community since 1992 while still at University. As with many other people, my personal journey…

Portrait of Order Members and Mitras
Order Members and Mitras

Triratna Order Members are members of our spiritual community who have made a commitment, known traditionally as Going for Refuge, to keeping the…