Open men's retreat

Myth, Magic and the Imagination

fire whirlwind

“I feel it is also important to have this, so to speak, magical element, not just in our lives generally but especially in our spiritual lives. And it is symbol, myth, ritual which help give life this magical element - you might say also imaginative element”.

- quote from Sangharakshita, European Order Weekend, August 2010

Explore the world of myth and creative imagination as evoked in the Pure Land sutras. Allow the rich imagery of the imaginal realm of Sukhavati to expand our minds beyond our limited personal stories into the greater realms of spiritual truth.

If you have a copy, Ratnaguna’s recent book on ‘Great Faith Great Wisdom’ is excellent preparation for some of the material covered on the weekend.

Open to all men familiar with our meditation practices.

We invite you to join us for an extended weekend retreat with meditation, devotional practice and in the company of like minded men. And not to under-estimate the power of the beautiful surrounds of the bush at Sudarshanaloka.


Start: 20 April 2017 at 7:00pm
Finish: 24 April 2017 at 3:00pm


$340 - full
$290 - low income

Caring for each other's health

Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.


Image of Sudarshanaloka

Tararu Valley, Thames

Led by

Portrait of Purna

Purna was attracted to Buddhism at a young age and was ordained into the Triratna Order in 1975. His involvement in Buddhism and the movement has…

Portrait of Cittamuni

Cittamuni first contacted the Auckland Buddhist Centre in 1991. The centre moved into his neighbourhood and he decided to investigate what was behind…

Portrait of Ratnavyuha

I've been actively involved with the Triratna Buddhist community since 1992 while still at University. As with many other people, my personal journey…

Bookings for this event are now closed