Men's ordination training retreat

Triratna Buddhist Community

three jewels

This retreat is by invitation only and led by a team of senior members of the Triratna Buddhist Order for men who are training for ordination.

Such area retreats are held three times a year at the moment. Two 'national' local retreats held later in the year at both Vijayaloka in Australia and Sudarshanaloka in New Zealand. And a combined retreat early in the year which rotates between the two venues.

If you are a GFR mitra visiting the area and would like to attend this retreat, please contact either Ratnavyuha through the Auckland Buddhist Centre or Siladasa through the Melbourne Buddhist Centre. We enjoy having visiting GFR mitras on these retreats, but space is limited and we may need to give priority to men training for ordination in this region sometimes.

There are similar ordination training retreats held in Australia and New Zealand by a team of senior women order members also.


Start: 12 October 2019 at 6:00pm
Finish: 20 October 2019 at 12:00pm


will be advised on booking

Caring for each other's health

Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.


Image of Sudarshanaloka

Tararu Valley, Thames

Led by

Portrait of Purna

Purna was attracted to Buddhism at a young age and was ordained into the Triratna Order in 1975. His involvement in Buddhism and the movement has…

Portrait of Ratnavyuha

I've been actively involved with the Triratna Buddhist community since 1992 while still at University. As with many other people, my personal journey…

Portrait of Triratna Order Member
Triratna Order Member

Triratna Order Members are people within our spiritual community who have made a commitment, known traditionally as Going for Refuge, to keeping the…