"Where there is a born, made, conditioned, there is an unborn, unmade, unconditioned".
During this 2-day workshop you will be guided through a series of exercises and meditations that will allow you to experience the ‘deep story’ (your samskaras) that has both served and limited you in this life. You will also be encouraged and guided to go beyond your limitations through a series of exercises and samatha practices that will provoke your (predominant) inner sense to reveal the unborn, unmade, samadhi.
We invite you to bring as much metta, receptivity, flexibility and faith, as you can to this workshop.
Please note: The weekend is suited for experienced practitioners who already have a solid daily meditation practice.
As well, there will be 2 additional Saturdays 18th and 25th August (9am -1pm) to further deepen and integrate what we have begun exploring during the non-residential retreat.
We have found that often, after we participate in something intensive like this workshop, we return to life in the world and the experience dissipates, rather than integrates, because the conditions there are not supportive. Therefore it is our intention that these two Saturdays will recreate the supportive conditions of the non-residential retreat, to deepen and further integrate your experience by virtue of being together. Like Indra's Net, we then have the opportunity to each hold, mirror and witness each others' emerging qualities until it radiates and shines.
“First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is….. “
10 - 12 August $120 waged/$80 low or unwaged
Plus suggested dana of $50 per day for the 18 & 25 August
Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.
Amaradīpā has been coming along to the Auckland Buddhist Centre for many years, and was particularly involved in the creating, organising and…
Guhyasiddhi learned meditation at the Auckland Buddhist Centre in 1981 after an extended period travelling the world exploring various cultures and…