Friday full moon puja

Special Puja to celebrate the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order

Bhante the monk

Many people are very grateful for what Sangharakshita has done in making the Dharma accessible to them, in their contemporary lives. He has done this through his writings, through his establishment of the Triratna Buddhist Order and the Triratna Buddhist Community and through his own dedicated practice. This annual puja is a simple celebration of his birthday and his life.

Please wear brightly coloured clothes on the night of red, gold or blue!

Puja is about the cultivation and expansion of positive emotions including shraddha (faith-confidence). It is a practice which helps us crawl in behind the limited, habitual, fixed self and for a time experience ourselves as much more expanded and limitless.

Sangharakshita describes shraddha as a lifting up of the heart to something higher, touching something higher, experiencing, even if only for a moment, something higher. When we do this with one another it deepens the development of true community so that Sangha can indeed become a real and abiding refuge.

We pick the Friday night closest to the actual full moon.


24 August 2018  7:00pm-8:30pm


Caring for each other's health

Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.


Image of The Auckland Buddhist Centre
The Auckland Buddhist Centre

45b Normanby Rd, Mt Eden

Led by

Portrait of Karunajoti

Karunajoti’s first introduction to Buddhism was through a meditation class at the Auckland Buddhist Centre in 1999. This led to a strong desire to…