Dharma Monday

The Six Perfections: The way beyond self and other

Yellow Buddha

Buddhism asserts that it is possible to live a much more fulfilling, happier and meaningful life than the average person does. This is what draws many of us to it. However, it also teaches that a spiritual life that is exclusively concerned with one's own personal development is ultimately self-defeating! In this series, we will be exploring the teaching of the Six Perfections. This exposition of the Buddhist Path beautifully combines the self-regarding & altruistic aspects of practice, showing a way that in the end goes beyond even this division.

On the final evening of our current series Purna will be talking about Prajna (wisdom).

Prajna - the mystery of the Open Dimension of Being
When we first encounter Buddhism we can’t help but imagine Enlightenment or Awakening in terms of that which we already know. But does what we imagine just continue the current limited sense of self, with maybe greater happiness, or does what we imagine go beyond our sense of self? Do we dare to imagine ourselves perfectly in tune with the changing and insubstantial nature of reality, as well as a stronger love and engagement with life? Do we dare to imagine what the Open Dimension of Being might be?

Dharma night is suitable for those who would like to learn more about Buddhism. It is also a popular night for regular friends to drop in and practice together. If you are a beginner but can't get to/or have just started one of our meditation classes, you are still welcome to come and join in.

The usual program for the evening is a talk on some aspect of Buddhism, tea break, then group meditation to end the evening.


8 May 2017  7:00pm-9:15pm


By koha/dana

Caring for each other's health

Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.


Image of The Auckland Buddhist Centre
The Auckland Buddhist Centre

45b Normanby Rd, Mt Eden

Led by

Portrait of Purna

Purna was attracted to Buddhism at a young age and was ordained into the Triratna Order in 1975. His involvement in Buddhism and the movement has…