Post-truth refers to a social and political climate marked by a disappearance of objective standards of truth - where appeals to emotion are more important in shaping debate and policy than facts. What would the Buddha have to say about this?
Lokeshvara is one of two International Order Convenors, based at Adhisthana in the UK. For about five years now he has travelled around the Triratna Centres keeping connection with the Order in different parts of the world.
He came to the Dharma in the middle of the 1990s disillusioned with his work in conflict and human rights. Previous to this he had been part of interest groups, circles of friends and various communities, but always on the fringes. When he came across the Order, and behind it Sangharakshita, he felt such a relief that a community like this existed in the world. The vision was deep enough and wide enough that it left no unanswered questions for him. He was ordained in 2002. Since then he has lived and worked in various capacities within the movement. He believes very strongly that the Order is a force for good in the world. Despite difficulties and differences (maybe because of them), he still thinks it is by far the best community he has come across. Bhante’s description and vision of the movement as a nucleus of a new society continues to inspire him. Now that Sangharakshita has died, how will this mandala of our system of practice play out? Where next?
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I came to the Dharma in the middle of the 1990s disillusioned with my work in conflict and human rights. Previous to this I had been part of…