I came to the Dharma in the middle of the 1990s disillusioned with my work in conflict and human rights.
Previous to this I had been part of interest groups, circles of friends and various communities, but always on the fringes. When I came across the Order, and behind it Sangharakshita, I felt such a relief that a community like this existed in the world. The vision was deep enough and wide enough that it left no unanswered questions for me. More or less I am still running on the momentum of that discovery.
I was ordained in 2002. Since then most of my time has been spent living and working at Padmaloka, with a short period working for Subhuti and another for Windhorse evolution. Being in the Order has been relatively straightforward for me. I have some very good friends who I share my life with. I haven’t understood every episode or development that I’ve seen, but I fundamentally trust in the principles on which our community exists and flourishes. I believe very strongly that the Order is a force for good in the world. Despite difficulties and differences (maybe because of them), I still think it is by far the best community I have come across. Bhante’s description and vision of us as a nucleus of a new society continues to inspire me. I am now living at Adhisthana in my role as an international Order convenor.