This evening is the 4th in a four week series.
Click here to read the first week's description of the theme.
Tonight we will be focusing on some dharma tools which will help us to become the change we'd like to see in the world. There is nothing tonight you can buy off the shelf, it all requires you to make a personal conscious effort. But I believe that the direction and quality of the effort the Buddha recommends we make is different from the direction and quality of effort we usually choose to make. The Buddha was always interested in what it is possible to change, we are usually interested in changing what brings us pleasure and pain. They are not always the same thing.
And such misdirected effort causes plenty of frustration. And even though the Buddha warns us to focus on well directed effort, the ultimate ineffectiveness of misdirected effort causes us to lose our faith and confidence more generally. We lose confidence in ourselves and our ability to make change. Even though we should really be losing our confidence in our ineffective methods and goals. Inevitably, we may even stop trying to create positive change. What a shame.
So being clear about what we can and cannot change, letting go of obsessions around what we cannot change and having the courage to change the things we can ... that is what we will be exploring tonight.
I hope you choose to join us.
Dharma night is suitable for those who would like to learn more about Buddhism. It is also a popular night for regular friends to drop in and practice together. If you are a beginner but can't get to/or have just started one of our meditation classes, you are still welcome to come and join in.
The usual program for the evening is a talk or discussion on some aspect of Buddhism, tea break, then group meditation to end the evening.
By koha/dana
Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.
I've been actively involved with the Triratna Buddhist community since 1992 while still at University. As with many other people, my personal journey…