Sometimes we pay a high price for caring deeply for others and the world, losing ourselves in nihilistic despair. Emotional wisdom is the capacity to care without getting stuck in painful dead ends. It enables us to feel compassion even if we cannot directly help. And if we start going down the emotional gurgler it helps us tune into the beauty, love and strength in ourselves and others.
Over six weeks we will be exploring how to become more loving, more compassionate and more emotionally flexible. We will be exploring how to care so deeply that we can open to the very heart of reality.
Karuna, caring and letting go of what you cannot control
Karuna (compassion) is the loving desire that all beings, including ourselves, be free from suffering and that we be well, happy and fulfilled. Karuna is also the desire to actively remove suffering whilst also learning to accept the reality of suffering without turning away. On this evening Mary Anna Smith will be sharing her thoughts on karuna.
The format of these Monday evenings will be different from usual with about 40 minutes of discussion, a short break and then the meditation session when we will be practicing the metta bhavana in new ways. We will end the evening by around 8.40pm.
Dharma night is suitable for those who would like to learn more about Buddhism. It is also a popular night for regular friends to drop in and practice together. If you are a beginner but can't get to/or have just started one of our meditation classes, you are still welcome to come and join in.
By koha/dana
Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.
Triratna Order Members are members of our spiritual community who have made a commitment, known traditionally as Going for Refuge, to keeping the…