Buddhism asserts that it is possible to live a much more fulfilling, happier and meaningful life than the average person does. This is what draws many of us to it. However, it also teaches that a spiritual life that is exclusively concerned with one's own personal development is ultimately self-defeating! In this series, we will be exploring the teaching of the Six Perfections: the way beyond self and other. This exposition of the Buddhist Path beautifully combines the self-regarding & altruistic aspects of practice, showing a way that in the end goes beyond even this division.
On this first evening of our six week series Sujiva will give an introduction to The Six Perfections and will talk about the practice of dana. Generosity or giving is said to be one of the most important of Buddhist practices. But why? Is it just a matter of a religion trying to make us do good? What about receiving? What about giving too much? How do we know what is appropriate to give in a situation anyway? Sujiva explores these questions in this opening talk of the series.
Dharma night is suitable for those who would like to learn more about Buddhism. It is also a popular night for regular friends to drop in and practice together. If you are a beginner but can't get to/or have just started one of our meditation classes, you are still welcome to come and join in.
The usual program for the evening is a talk on some aspect of Buddhism, tea break, then group meditation to end the evening.
By koha/dana
Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.
Sujiva, originally from India, first got inspired by Buddhism when he attended a beginner’s meditation course at the Wellington Buddhist Centre in…