For the past few years we have been running a New Year's retreat. It offers a different way of welcoming in the new year, immersing ourselves in the elemental beauty of Sudarshanaloka, coming together with Sangha and exploring the mystery of new beginnings.
On our last New Year's retreat we explored the ever flowing river of conditions that unfold at Sudarshanaloka through ritual, contemplation and immersion amidst the expansive beauty of the natural elements. This year we will immerse ourselves again whilst exploring 'The eight worldly winds'.
Also known as the lokadhammas the worldly winds are arranged in four pairs of opposites which are: gain and loss, fame and infamy, praise and blame, pleasure and pain. The worldly winds are fluctuating conditions that blow about in the world. Although we can do our best to influence the world and make it go the way we want, we can’t control things completely. No matter how well we live our lives there will be factors over which we have no power. These ups and downs will arise when we least expect them. The worldly winds may be gently blowing one day and then howling in the opposite direction the next.
When we experience gain, fame, praise or pleasure we can often feel elated, our sense of self-worth increases, we may feel more confident and in charge of our life. But loss, infamy, blame, or pain can cause us to feel despondent, our sense of self worth diminishes, our confidence decreases, and we can lose initiative and feel a victim of circumstance. The Buddhist teachings on the worldly winds can help us to be more aware of these forces and their effect on us.
As well exploring these we will spend our time meditating, reflecting and drawing inspiration from the life and luminosity that manifests from the land of beautiful vision.
The retreat is open to those who are familiar with our Triratna meditation practices.
$390 - Standard
$340 - Low waged
Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.
Karunajoti’s first introduction to Buddhism was through a meditation class at the Auckland Buddhist Centre in 1999. This led to a strong desire to…
Kusalamani has followed an intensive practice of mindfulness and Dharma exploration for over 20 years. She has extensive professional training and…