Triratna Order mitra retreat

Emptiness and compassion: approaches to liberating the mind


On this Order/mitra retreat we’ll be exploring how radiant compassion leads to deep insight into the nature of reality. We’ll be drawing on Analyo’s book Emptiness and Compassion in Early Buddhist Meditation.

For all Order members and mitras wanting to immerse themselves in an open-hearted exploration of emptiness.


Start: 20 October 2017 at 7:00pm
Finish: 23 October 2017 at 12:00pm


$300 - full
$250 - low income

Caring for each other's health

Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.


Image of Sudarshanaloka

Tararu Valley, Thames

Led by

Portrait of Vajrajyoti

Vajrajyoti has been actively involved in the Auckland Buddhist Centre since 2000 when she moved to Auckland from a women's retreat centre in Wales. …

Portrait of Ratnavyuha

I've been actively involved with the Triratna Buddhist community since 1992 while still at University. As with many other people, my personal journey…

Bookings for this event are now closed