The nature of mind seminar

Online - what's the matter? The work of Iain McGilchrist

Nature of Mind custom graphic

Join a live seminar hosted by Order Members across Australia and New Zealand. The panel will be exploring the nature of mind and experiences through the lens of Iain McGilchrist, renowned psychiatrist and author. Open to anyone, regardless of prior experience with Buddhism.

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There are, it seems to me, four main pathways to the truth: science, reason, intuition, and imagination. I also believe strongly that any world view that tries to get by without paying due respect to all four of these is bound to fail

A chance to explore Iain McGilchrist’s work in more depth. This interactive zoom seminar will focus on the main areas of Iain McGilchrist’s thought, including a short presentation, clips of a YouTube conversation between McGilchrist and Jnanavaca, Q&As, and breakout rooms.

Iain McGilchrist, author of the critically acclaimed work, The Master and His Emissary and The Matter With Things, explores the implications of our divided brain, with profound consequences for how we experience our life and each other.

We only know matter because of consciousness. It is highly unlikely that we only know consciousness because of matter.


5 February 2022  11:00am-12:30pm



Image of The Auckland Buddhist Centre - online
The Auckland Buddhist Centre - online

virtual meeting room

Led by

Portrait of Vajrajyoti

Vajrajyoti has been actively involved in the Auckland Buddhist Centre since 2000 when she moved to Auckland from a women's retreat centre in Wales. …

Portrait of Lokeshvara

I came to the Dharma in the middle of the 1990s disillusioned with my work in conflict and human rights. Previous to this I had been part of…