The stupa at Sudarshanaloka is one of several within the Triratna Buddhist community containing ashes of Dhardo Rimpoche, significant teacher and friend of Sangharakshita, the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Community.
Visit this Flicker site to see some images of different stupas around the Triratna world.
The consecration of the stupa by Sangharakshita on Parinirvana Day 1997 initiated an annual tradition at Sudarshanaloka of coming together on this weekend to reflect on Parinirvana - the Buddha's ultimate release and to celebrate the life of Dhardo Rimpoche.
2-5pm Shrine room programme for Triratna Buddhist Order only
Meetings with Dhardo Rimpoche (Part 1 & 2) followed by meditation and puja
(Suvajra interviewing Dhardo Rimpoche about his life as a Tulku and his friendship with Sangharakshita)
6.30pm Dinner (All welcome)
7.45pm Dhardo Rimpoche celebratory puja
(Stay overnight at the house or make your way up to the upper retreat centre with your own bedding, including mattress and sleep marae-style)
Overnight (Saturday) accommodation at Sudarshanaloka is now booked out and we are unable to cater for any more for dinner. You are still welcome to attend Sunday's events, though.
(At upper retreat centre. Rides will be available from the house car park, leaving 7am and 9am, for those not able to walk up to the stupa)
7.30am Meditation & basic puja
9.15am Breakfast
10.15am Programme of meditation and ritual around the stupa
(Includes a short talk by Guhyavajra on 'Life and play in the cremation ground')
1pm Return to house and depart
Please put $20 in the dana bowl to cover food and expenses, plus a donation if you wish
Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.
Triratna Order Members are people within our spiritual community who have made a commitment, known traditionally as Going for Refuge, to keeping the…