Sangha night

An opportunity for friends to share and deepen their practice

Tibetan Wheel of Life

Tonight Vajrasarasi will speak about the fourth ethical precept, speech.

In its positive form, the emphasis is on truth and the importance of being trustworthy, truthful and honest. In its negative form, it encourages us away from false speech, and all the forms of deception that this gives rise to.

Speaking the truth can help us live more ethically, and in line with our values. It encourages us to talk the talk, before we walk the talk.

Our current Sangha night theme, which began in July, has a particular focus on Buddhist ethics, and the relationship to karma and conditionality.

Rather than judging actions as "good" or "bad", the invitation in Buddhism is to look at what motivates our behaviour and to determine whether it is skillful or unskillful. Then we set about training ourselves to think and behave in ways that affirm our interconnectedness with all living beings.

When we act in this way, we find ourselves living with greater peace and harmony. Our lives become more meaningful with greater feelings of connection, satisfaction and happiness. Rather than feeling restricted, we experience true freedom.

Wednesday nights are a place for people who have attended our foundation courses to come together and celebrate community as well as an opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the Buddha's teaching.


4 August 2021  7:00pm-9:00pm


By koha / donation

Caring for each other's health

Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.


Image of The Auckland Buddhist Centre
The Auckland Buddhist Centre

45b Normanby Rd, Mt Eden

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Portrait of Triratna Order Member
Triratna Order Member

Triratna Order Members are people within our spiritual community who have made a commitment, known traditionally as Going for Refuge, to keeping the…

Portrait of Sangha night team
Sangha night team

A team of Triratna Order members and Mitras