Sangha night

At the centre

Community pictures

Right Emotion - connecting with the vision
The second on our series on the "Noble Eightfold Path", the solution to our suffering as described in the last of the Four Noble Truths.

This evening, Vajrasarasi shares with us her reflections on the second step on the path - that of Right Emotion. This is where we distinguish between intellectual understanding and what is often called a "felt sense". It is often not that difficult to have a rational sense of the Dharma - it can be clear that we should live ethically, refrain from selfish acts, meditate regularly, develop good friendships etc. But it requires something more to actually put these guidelines into practice.

Vajrasarasi will talk about connecting with ones emotions for the purposes of spiritual development, which may include the need to refine the emotional spectrum we have currently - not to suppress, but to transform into more positive energy.

Wednesday nights are a place for people who have attended our foundation courses to come together and celebrate community as well as an opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the Buddha's teaching, and their understanding of how to practice it. Now back in person at the Centre, they generally include a talk and discussion, followed by a cup of tea and then a meditation in the shrine room.


26 April 2023  7:00pm-9:15pm


Caring for each other's health

Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.


Image of The Auckland Buddhist Centre
The Auckland Buddhist Centre

45b Normanby Rd, Mt Eden

Led by

Portrait of Vajrasarasi

Vajrasarasi came into contact with the Dharma in 2004 in the UK, she arrived in Auckland NZ in 2006 with a job offer and knowing that a Triratna…