Sangha night

At the centre

Community pictures

Candradasa is visiting from the US

What does it mean to be fully alive and how we might bear with our experience through hard times to come to a place of genuine positivity and strength?

How do we hold and work gently and effectively with our sorrows?

These are themes Candadasa will be exploring with us this evening, a product of his current exploration of the Dharma as the soul's comfort through the grief of the world. He calls this theme 'The Buddha in the Dark'. He'll be bringing in myth, poetry, imagination, and the immersive practice of loving kindness.

Having Candradasa with us is a rare treat. He lives on the east coast of the US and is spending some time in Auckland with his old friend and ours, Ratnavyuha. He asked us if he could join us on Sangha Night while he was here, and we were delighted by his generous offer.

Wednesday nights are a place for people who have attended our foundation courses to come together and celebrate community as well as an opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the Buddha's teaching, and their understanding of how to practice it. Now back in person at the Centre, they generally include a talk and discussion, followed by a cup of tea and then a meditation in the shrine room.


5 April 2023  7:00pm-9:00pm


Caring for each other's health

Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.


Image of The Auckland Buddhist Centre
The Auckland Buddhist Centre

45b Normanby Rd, Mt Eden

Led by

Portrait of Candradasa

Candradasa was ordained in 2001. He is from Scotland and has lived in New Hampshire in the United States since 2006. He is a founding member at the…

Portrait of Sangha night team
Sangha night team

A team of Triratna Order members and Mitras