On Sangha Day, the full moon in November, Buddhists celebrate both the ideal of creating a spiritual community, and also the actual spiritual community which they are trying to create.
Join us as we come together as Sangha to dedicate the Sculptural Screens in our front garden.
2pm - Arrive drinks and snacks
2:30 - Short talk/discussion about the Sculptural Screens and how they came to be here
3:15 - Dedication ritual and re-newed commitment of the ABC to spreading the Dharma in the world
4:30 - Tea and discussion
Children are very welcome to attend.
Please bring a vegetarian snack to share.
Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.
These special events are usually run by a team of people, including one or more members of the Triratna Buddhist Order. Someone might be giving a…