Parinirvana - Special Puja

May the force be with you!

The Buddha in the Parinirvana posture

Our Parinirvana celebration marks the final passing away of the Buddha. His death came when he was eighty years old and had spent some forty years teaching after his Enlightenment. As we acknowledge his passing some 2500 years ago, we draw inspiration from his example, and affirm our own potential to follow in his footprints. In our unfolding and growing we honour his final words ‘With Mindfulness strive on’, and make our own footsteps, find our own unique path, to Awakening.

What is more, the notion that all things are impermanent is central to Buddhist teaching and, for Buddhists, loss and impermanence are things to be accepted rather than causes of pain and grief. Someone's death is also an opportunity to celebrate a life. We will have space through a led reflection as part of the puja to connect with gratitude to someone who has passed on, and whose creative qualities we admire.
Bring a photo of this person, and they will be included in the puja.

Led by Chittamuni’


16 February 2018  7:00pm-8:30pm



Caring for each other's health

Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.


Image of The Auckland Buddhist Centre
The Auckland Buddhist Centre

45b Normanby Rd, Mt Eden

Led by

Portrait of Triratna Order Member
Triratna Order Member

Triratna Order Members are people within our spiritual community who have made a commitment, known traditionally as Going for Refuge, to keeping the…