Our system of practice begins with the stage of integration. In meditation, this involves being able to stay present and centred, not pulled off into discursive thought. However, even people who have practised meditation for years still sometimes get lost in stories and thought chains (prapancha in Sanskrit). For less experienced meditators this unhelpful tendency is often the main barrier to experiencing deeper levels of meditation. We shall take a good look at our distractions, exploring what drives them, and what we can do about our tendency to be carried off by them. Including lots of practical advice, and help for both less-experienced meditators and old hands to gain more reliable access to fulfilling states of mind.
$240 - Standard
$190 - Low waged
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Vijayamala has been exploring how to keep meditation alive and relevant for more than 30 years. She was ordained in 1992 and worked to set up and run…