The name of this retreat is 'Monkey Mind' and we'll be exploring in a family context the theme of Integration - being able to stay present and centred, not pulled off into discursive thought.
We shall take a good look at our distractions, explore what drives them and what we can do about our tendency to be carried off by them.
There will be opportunities for everyone to work and cook together; a mixture of discussion groups for adults; adult led meditations and supervised kids activities. Children and teenagers can experience 3-Fold Pujas and learn meditation if they wish. There will be free time each day to explore a beautiful natural environment or time to read, play and relax...
Accommodation is in bunks and single beds, usually a room per family. We have limited rooms, so first in first serve. There is also space for camping. We aspire to providing healthy vegetarian food/drinks/snacks while on retreat. A meal & cooking roster will be sent out prior to the retreat so everyone will know what food to purchase and what/when they will cook.
These retreats have become an annual favourite for many families within our Sangha. They are organized collectively by the families involved and are run at cost. The final cost for this retreat is likely to be between $120- $160 per adult and $60-$80 per child (excluding food costs) and will be advised on the retreat. Any further donation you can make to support the Auckland Buddhist Centre will be gratefully accepted.
Bookings are essential through our online system below and a deposit of $100 per family will secure your place.
Numbers are limited to 35 in total and we encourage you to book early as they fill quickly.
When booking below please list the names of all the members of your family attending and include the age of your children.
The final cost for this retreat is likely to be between $120- $160 per adult
and $60-$80 per child (excluding food costs).
A deposit of $100 per family is required to secure your place.
Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.
Born in 1946 she left home at 21 on a quest to find a deeper meaning to life. After much travelling and living and practicing with many different…