Over the centuries since the Buddha’s enlightenment, which happened around 500 BCE, the Dharma has traveled and adapted to different cultures and different historical circumstances. The truth of the Buddha’s realization and its potential to transform our lives has been communicated to us in different ways. One way is through the human faculty of observation and reason, and another is through the use of metaphor, symbol, poetry and mantric sound. This second way of communicating the teachings of the Buddha attempts to resonate with deeper, more intuitive forces in our being.
Exploring the ancient symbol of the Mandala of the Five Buddhas, which is a symbol of the Awakened Mind, this course seeks to provide a fuller glimpse of our human potential for freedom and effective, open-hearted living. Harnessing the power to be found in the five elements and in our familiar human nature and habitual tendencies, this symbol can help release us from all that causes suffering and limitation.
$180 - full
$120 - low income
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Akampiya has been practicing at the A.B.C for 25 years and was Ordained in 2002. She is particularly interested in applying metta and mindfulness to…