Dharma Monday

BAM! - Ethics and Action: food, drink and diet

buddha face

The Network of Buddhist Organisations has chosen the theme Climate Action – Personal
Action for Buddhist Action Month (BAM!) 2019.

In the last 50 years the average global temperature has risen at the fastest rate in recorded history. This rising temperature has fuelled the extreme weather patterns and events that we are becoming more familiar with. Climate change has created droughts that lead to forest fires, and floods that wipe out homes and habitats and lives. As the temperature in the oceans increases tropical storms gather more energy and create more destruction. Climate change is devastating people's lives all over the world. And it's the world’s poorest who are hardest hit. The UN Refugee Agency says climate change adds to many of today’s conflicts — from Darfur to Somalia to Iraq and Syria.” According to a recent study burning fossil fuels is now the “most significant threat to children’s health.”

The first teaching of the Buddha was the Four Noble Truths. How can we form a Noble
response to climate change?
Supported by the teachings of the Buddha and our teachers through the ages we begin to
inhabit the good qualities the Buddha described: generosity, ethics, wisdom, compassion
and so on.
Supported by experts in climate change and environmental work, we can bring these
qualities to actions that make a difference.
We can educate others, change our individual habits and take collective action.


10 June 2019  7:00pm-8:30pm



Caring for each other's health

Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.


Image of The Auckland Buddhist Centre
The Auckland Buddhist Centre

45b Normanby Rd, Mt Eden

Led by

Portrait of Beck Sinclair
Beck Sinclair

Rebecca first attended an Introduction to Meditation course at the West London Buddhist Centre in 2006 and has been coming along to the Auckland…