On this Dharma night we will be rejoicing in the Sangha jewel with a welcome back for Akasasri who has recently been ordained on a 3 month retreat at Akashavana in Spain.
Akasasri (acute accent on both ‘s’ s, long first and second ‘a’ and long ‘i’) is Sanskrit and means:
'She whose radiance is vast like space'.
Our usual Dharma night is suitable for those who would like to learn more about Buddhism. It is also a popular night for regular friends to drop in and practice together.
If you are a new to the Auckland Buddhist Centre you are very welcome to attend this public celebration.
By koha/dana
Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.
Vajrajyoti has been actively involved in the Auckland Buddhist Centre since 2000 when she moved to Auckland from a women's retreat centre in Wales. …