31 August 2020

Alert level 2.5

How you can book with more confidence

Foyer of the Auckland Buddhist Centre

Our upcoming meditation and Buddhism courses will be going ahead in-person at the Auckland Buddhist Centre. We'll be limiting numbers and following government guidelines for your health and well-being, so you can go ahead and book with relative confidence onto our upcoming Life with Full Attention course.

As numbers for every session are limited to just 10 under alert level 2.5, for now all our usual open events, such as Saturday morning meditation, Tuesday meditation and study, Under 35s, Friday night puja and our new Wednesday sangha night remain online. Check the events page for details of how to connect to each event.

Buddhist Recovery Network meetings remain online as well. Check this page for details of how to connect to each meeting.

And remember we do have an online introduction to meditation course starting this Wednesday evening led by one of our most experienced meditation teachers. Bookings are still available.

Closed study groups and chapters of under 10 people can meet at the centre at their own discretion this week, following requirements under alert level 2.5.

We have QR code posters on display at the centre, so you can register your attendance with the government Covid 19 tracer app. We encourage everyone to use this. For those who can't use the app, we will have paper forms for contact tracing available on site.