While we're in lockdown, we'll be leading just one meditation online at 10am. This will be guided and suitable for those just starting to explore a meditation practice, as well as those with more experience.
Join via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86361114148?pwd=RUJrMU9BdVZTL3hoZWM5blRUUW0xUT09
Or use meeting ID 863 6111 4148 and passcode 206266 in your Zoom app.
These popular drop-in sessions usually rotate from week to week between two meditation practices: mindfulness of breathing and metta bhavana. The individual meditation sessions are about forty minutes long.
Vasudhara has been involved with the Triratna Buddhist community since 1999 and was ordained in 2014. She leads some of our Friday night pujas and is…