Sangha night - on metta

Online - an opportunity for friends to share and deepen their practice

Heart on fire

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Introduction to the series

When people think of cultivating positive mental states, they often think of mindfulness or other forms of mental concentration. Developing friendliness towards ourselves and others, however, is as essential to developing our minds as other more traditional forms of focus.

Tonight Padmapushpa will talk about the purpose of this practice and what metta is.

In this series we will:

  • discuss what metta is
  • explore different ways to open our hearts to cultivate positive emotion
  • look at the role of body awareness, imagination and loving-kindness as way of being
  • explore our own experience with developing friendliness in our lives and the effect this has had on our well-being and those who come into contact with us

Wednesday nights are a place for people who have attended our foundation courses to come together and celebrate community as well as an opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the Buddha's teaching.


6 October 2021  7:00pm-8:00pm



Image of The Auckland Buddhist Centre - online
The Auckland Buddhist Centre - online

virtual meeting room

Led by

Portrait of Padmapushpa

Padmapushpa first became involved at the Auckland Buddhist Centre to reduce her stress through meditation. At the centre she found a wonderful…

Portrait of Sangha night team
Sangha night team

A team of Triratna Order members and Mitras