Sangha night

Generating focused states of consciousness

Community pictures

Right Concentration - on what?
Continuing our current theme of the Noble Eightfold Path, we look at Right Concentration this week. Concentration here is a translation of the Pali / Sanskrit word Samadhi, which can also be translated as meditative absorption.

This evening we welcome Dhiramuni, who will share his thoughts and reflections on this concept. In our practice we might be developing an intuitive sense of Samadhi, but perhaps we’re not quite sure. It can be tricky. Absorption can feel a little ephemeral and difficult to experience.

Right Concentration is traditionally number eight on the Noble Eightfold Path. So how we approach it may be very much affected by all the other stages of the Path. Or is Samadhi a goal in itself? And, anyway, where does it lead us?

Dhiramuni will explore what Right Concentration means for him, and share his experience of what has worked for him in moving towards it.

Wednesday nights are a place for people who have attended our foundation courses to come together and celebrate community as well as an opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the Buddha's teaching, and their understanding of how to practice it. They generally include a talk and discussion, followed by a cup of tea and then a meditation. Note that we are temporarily meeting at the Ponsonby Community Centre while we find a new permanent home for the centre.


7 June 2023  7:00pm-9:15pm


Caring for each other's health

Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.


Image of Ponsonby Community Centre
Ponsonby Community Centre

20 Ponsonby Terrace, Ponsonby, Auckland 1011

Led by

Portrait of Dhiramuni

Dhiramuni became involved with the Auckland Buddhist Centre several decades ago to learn Buddhist meditation. He quickly realised that in the Dharma…