Sangha night

Online - sharing & deepening our practice together

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Sangha night remains online this week

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Gain and Loss

Throughout our lives we face gain and loss: people, possessions, experiences, feelings - they all arise and then in time, pass away. What security can we hold on to when everything is in a constant state of change? Cittamuni will reflect on the nature of gain and loss and how he rides the worldly winds of winning some, losing some and by doing this creates opportunities for transformation.

Wednesday nights are a place for people who have attended our foundation courses to come together and celebrate community as well as an opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the Buddha's teaching, and their understanding of how to practice it.


27 April 2022  7:00pm-8:00pm



Image of The Auckland Buddhist Centre - online
The Auckland Buddhist Centre - online

virtual meeting room

Led by

Portrait of Sangha night team
Sangha night team

A team of Triratna Order members and Mitras