Bringing together our local community with music, dance, poetry, clowns, funky fashion show and more...
Featuring: The Logger Boys, drum dance, bel bossa, musicians, clowns, zumba,
recycled textiles fashion show
Families and friends all welcome, includes light supper
Fund-raising for Auckland Buddhist Centre and community outreach
Tickets are available through ABC, by cash on the night, or by booking online below.
If you book for a group of people, in the Additional Information section, please give the total number in your party, and list the names.
You will need some form of identification on the night, at the door to the Grey Lynn Community Centre hall.
$30 per person, children up to 10 years free
Before attending, please read our current Covid Guidelines. This is part of how we practice together.
These special events are usually run by a team of people, including one or more members of the Triratna Buddhist Order. Someone might be giving a…