While Auckland is in level 3 lockdown, we'll host the puja online from the Auckland Buddhist Women's Community.
To join, use this link at 7pm - https://zoom.us/j/8179125195
Engage with the images and inspiration of puja (ritual) by exploring the verses of our traditional 7-fold puja imaginatively in the context of this new moon puja. Tonight we'll delve into the verse on "going for refuge".
Puja (ritual) is about the cultivation and expansion of positive emotions including shraddha (faith-confidence).
Sangharakshita describes shraddha as a lifting up of the heart to something higher, touching something higher, experiencing, even if only for a moment, something higher. When we do this with one another it deepens the development of true community so that Sangha can indeed become a real and abiding refuge.
By koha/dana
Akampiya has been practicing at the A.B.C for 25 years and was Ordained in 2002. She is particularly interested in applying metta and mindfulness to…