13 September 2024

The Great Art Exhibition - Mahakala

Seeking donated works to include

Painter's gear

DATE: OPENS SAT 19 TH OCTOBER FOR TWO WEEKS. Official opening - 3pm October 19th
VENUE: Auckland Buddhist Centre, 45B Normanby Road, Mt Eden
ONLINE: Images will also be available for viewing from a link on the Buddhist Centre

Do you have any quality or quirky works of art you’d be willing to part with?

We’re seeking committed offers of donated art or sculpture/ceramics to include in our upcoming exhibition at the Centre to help raise funds to complete our big renovation. It can be art you’ve created or art you live with. There are no restrictions on subject matter.

If you’re able to donate art, please email Sthiraratna at info@aucklandbuddhistcentre.org by midday Friday 20 September with the following information:

Artist name (First name & surname):
Title of artwork/object:
Dimensions: H x W x D
Materials used (if known): (e.g. acrylics on canvas)
Recommended price: $
Short artist statement if you are the creator of the artwork. (optional and max 50 words)

Also be sure to include a jpg (1mb to 2 mb in size) of your painting or object. Please ensure a sharp image as it will be featured in an online catalogue, as well as used for reference in curating the show.

Artworks would need to be delivered to the Centre by midday Friday 11 October, either on weekdays between 9am and 12 noon, or before your study group, meditation session, or class. Alternatively, make an arrangement with Sthiraratna.

Prior to hanging, artworks are to be be stored in the empty room next to the office upstairs.

Please ensure your artwork is wrapped in protective bubble wrap (smooth side in contact with the painting surface), and include your name and details on the wrapper, and/or on the back of the wooden frame of a painting.