14 April 2016

The Buddhas Noble Eightfold Path

Our Dharma Monday theme from 11 April to 2 May

Buddha Aloka

Why do some of us seek something more than the conventional life? How do we ensure that whatever inspiration or impetus initially brought us to spiritual life does not just become a distant memory but continues to be a transforming force in our everyday life. This the central topic of the Noble Eightfold Path.

Monday 11 April - Sujiva introduced this series of talks with an overview of this ancient teaching and an exploration of its first two steps - Vision & Emotion.
Listen to Sujivas talk here

Monday 18 April - Guhyasiddhi spoke about how 'Nonviolent Communication (NVC)' or 'Compassionate Communication' provides a useful guide to practicing the speech precepts of truthful, kind, helpful and harmonious speech. Listen to Guhyasiddhis talk here

Monday 2 May - Vajrajyoti spoke about Perfect Awareness and Perfect Samadhi, the last two steps of the Noble Eightfold Path. Download Vajrajyoti's talk: Awareness and Samadhi