16 November 2022

Helping Friends of Oakley Creek

Help us rid the Waterview Heritage Area of an invasive weed.

Friends of Oakley Creek

Sat Dec 3, 9am to 11.30am
Friends of Oakley Creek need some help in their efforts to restore the tidal reaches of the creek, and have invited the ABC sangha to help. The area holds a lot of historical as well as botanical interest, but is being overwhelmed by Madeira Vine - a super spreader from South America that overwhelms our native bush.

The task to control this vine is a gentle one - even meditative - and doesn't need great athleticism. Friends of Oakley Creek promise to make it a rewarding morning, where you can learn a bit about local history, biodiversity and contribute to local conservation whilst working on your inner bodhisattva.

Please express your interest to info@aucklandbuddhistcentre.org and we will send more information closer to the time.