We value the safety of all who attend the Auckland Buddhist Centre and have the following guidelines and policies in place that align with the First Precept: avoiding causing harm; cultivating loving kindness. These policies and guidelines were last reviewed and updated in August 2021.
Ethical Guidelines
The Five Precepts applied to our work at the Centre.
Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy and Guidelines
Practices and procedures for protecting vulnerable adults. Please note: due to the August 2021 Covid lockdown, we haven't been able to gather the required signatures at the end of the document and have chosen to publish the update without them. This will be remedied as soon as practically possible.
Managing those who may pose a risk - particularly those convicted of seriously harmful offences
Child Protection Policy and
Guidelines for Working with Teenagers (roughly 15 - 17 year olds)
How all those involved with the centre keep children and teenagers safe. Please note: due to the August 2021 Covid lockdown, we haven't been able to gather the required signatures at the end of the document and have chosen to publish the update without them. This will be remedied as soon as practically possible.
Child Protection Code of Conduct
For all those who lead and help to run events at the centre. Those involved in running activities with children at the centre directly are required to read, print and sign a copy for storage at the centre office.
We have two safeguarding officers at the centre - Vasudhara and Vajrajyoti. If you have concerns about misconduct or safety, please contact them on safeguarding@aucklandbuddhistcentre.org or via their personal contact details:
Vasudhara - dh.vasudhara@gmail.com or 022 233 3555
Vajrajyoti - vajrajyoti@outlook.co.nz or 021 033 2266
You can also make a complaint directly to the NZ Charities Commission here.