Jayachitta has been a Buddhist since 1981, ordained in 1990, and has lived and worked with other Buddhists for a lot of that time. She has a deep love of performance and the infinity of human expression. After encountering the arts of Clowning and Improvisation on her first visit to New Zealand in 2002, she trained for two years in physical theatre at Kiklos Scuola in Italy.
Since then she has trained in Improvisation with Andrew Morrish, John Britton, Kate Hilder and others. Improvisation, movement and exploring the clown are very important to her as additional approaches to the spiritual life, as they are based in physical expression and play.
She sees them as an interactive way of entering and exploring the space that one discovers in meditation. Sometimes it is possible to observe oneself more closely in action and interaction, than in still sitting.It's in that spirit of play that we can discover who we are and can be.