Guhyasiddhi learned meditation at the Auckland Buddhist Centre in 1981 after an extended period travelling the world exploring various cultures and religions seeking answers to some fundamental existential questions. Buddhism resolved these questions.
Guhyasiddhi was ordained in Tuscany in 1985, he has established several men's communities, managed and taught at the Grey Lynn centre. He currently works as a counsellor, leads men's study and is a member of the team responsible for the ordination training process for men in New Zealand and Australia.
Bhadrakari was born in 1946 and left home at 21 on a quest to find a deeper meaning to life. After much travelling and living and practicing with many different spiritual disciplines she came upon the Triratna Community in 1998 after one of her sons died in a car accident.
She has four living children and a few grandchildren. She was ordained in Spain in 2012, is very committed to the path of purification and has a passion for inspiring people to practise. She is involved in a variety of activities at the centre including the Tuesday morning Dharma discussion group and teaching daytime meditation classes.