Elizabeth U

Portrait of Elizabeth U

May my existence support others in discovering, and then living by, their own unique values.

Elizabeth aspires to achieve this impact through:

  • Committing to the process of discovering and living by her own values;
  • Making connections, building partnerships, and sharing resources / inspiration / support that enable others to discover and live by their own values;
  • Continually educating herself about the conditions which make this pursuit more accessible to some people at the expense of others;
  • Actively building tools that have the potential to preferentially lift up those who have less privilege; and
  • Co-creating environments that foster curiosity, creativity, compassion, and self-care… with lots of spontaneous singing, dancing, and laughter mixed in.

Originally from Northern California, Elizabeth has lived in Auckland since late 2016 with her partner Scott, a musician. She has been coming along to the Auckland Buddhist Centre since early 2018 and is currently training for ordination.